Tuesday, October 6, 2009

God Meant It!

In our flock group we are studying the life of Joseph. Do you remember the events of his life? He was Daddy's favorite with caused jealousy with the other brothers. He tattled on them which didn't help the situation. He shared dreams which elevated him further and put down his family. So the brothers got even and sold him (better than murder). Through the years, he is used by God and elevated in Potiphar's house. He is also handsome and well built....and catches the eye of Potiphar's wife who hounds him daily to go to bed with her. He resists continually so she lies and he is sent to prison. God uses him there also and eventually he is remembered, released and saves his family from starvation. The point is Genesis 50:20, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive." Pastor Brown started listing the things that God Meant in Joseph's life and my heart was seized with the thought, "God doesn't just mop up." I am well aware that God can and does turn our messes around as we choose to serve Him and I have taught women that there is only Plan A. Christ coming to redeem us after Adam and Eve fell was not Plan B...it was Plan A all along. If we truly believe in the Sovereignty of God, then there is only Plan A. God does not cause our sin/failures, but neither does he just "mop up." This may be beyond our feeble minds but these thoughts caused my heart to respond in an overwhelming way. Why had I not connected His redemptive Plan A to specific hurts in my life?

While I am disappointed that my life has to include some particular heart-breaking situations, I am lifted up by the thought that God Means them for good (whether I can see that good or not). The truth of that statement is life changing, heart changing, emotion changing for me. I will choose to believe the Truth rather than my emotions and let it lift me to a better place. I will surrender my plan to His, knowing that it was Plan A all along.

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