Wednesday, October 27, 2010


What do you think of the new look? Dan helped me with it last month but I still have a long way to go to learn how to add things and change designs. While browsing through backgrounds this one caught my eye right away....why? Because I am a vessel for my Master's use. I'll get back around to talking about vessels and pots at a later date.

While scanning blogs, I have been thinking about this one. What is it's purpose? What do I want to do with it? I know that I don't want to have more than one blog so am wondering if this one can have several faces. I love going through quilting blogs so log into where many quilting/sewing blogs are brought together. My favorite of this type is Stash Manicure at I do my own "stash manicuring" on a regular basis and would like to someday post to this blog. Later, later.

Recently, I have run across several blogs dedicated to mothers or families of addicts. Some have really touched my heart. Our family has lived life loving an addicted daughter for four years and there are times when I have wondered about sharing our story here.

Then there are the epiphanies...the times when the light bulb goes on while studying Scripture and God causes His truth to come alive and my eyes SEE something in a new and real way. So can I blog about all of these things on the same page....I'm going to try. I will be careful to tag each entry so that you may choose which items you would like to read (in case you are interested in one subject over another).